Temporomandibular Disorder Chiropractic Treatment in Franklin, WI
Discover TMJ Relief Today

The TMJ is the joint that connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the skull (temporal bone). TMD can cause various symptoms, including jaw and face pain and difficulty eating. Chiropractic care is often the most reliable treatment option for TMD pain. We can help alleviate TMD pain at Rhythm of Life Chiropractic.
Foremost, we will:
- Diagnose your condition
- Treat you
- Then closely monitor the progress of your recovery
Schedule an appointment with our chiropractor in Franklin, Wisconsin, today.
Understanding Temporomandibular Disorder
The cause of TMD is often unknown, but it may be related to problems with the muscles, joints, or bite (occlusion). Various factors can trigger TMD, including teeth grinding or clenching, misaligned teeth or jaw, stress, arthritis, and head or neck injuries.
Treatment for TMD may include self-care measures, such as applying heat or ice to the jaw, avoiding hard or chewy foods, and practicing relaxation techniques. Other treatment options may consist of medication to manage pain and inflammation, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery. In some cases, treatment may involve a combination of these approaches.
Working with a healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific needs is important.
How Chiropractors Diagnose Temporomandibular Disorder
When diagnosing TMD, a chiropractor will typically conduct a thorough evaluation that includes a physical examination and a review of the patient’s medical history.
During the physical examination, the chiropractor will typically observe the patient’s jaw movement, look for any signs of swelling or tenderness in the jaw or neck, and assess the patient’s bite and occlusion (the way the upper and lower teeth come together). The chiropractor may also ask the patient to open and close their mouth simultaneously to establish the pain point.
In addition to the physical examination, the chiropractor may order imaging tests, such as x-rays or a CT scan, to help diagnose TMD and assess the condition of the TMJ and surrounding structures. The chiropractor may also refer the patient to a specialist, such as an oral surgeon or a dental therapist, for further evaluation and treatment.
It is important to note that TMD can be complex, and a thorough evaluation is necessary to diagnose and treat it accurately.
Chiropractic Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorder
To treat TMD, chiropractors may use various techniques such as spinal manipulation, soft tissue therapy, and hands-on techniques to reduce pain and improve jaw function. Spinal manipulation involves the application of gentle pressure on the spine to correct misalignments and increase the range of motion.
Soft tissue therapy, such as massage, can help reduce muscle tension and pain in the jaw, neck, and shoulders. Other treatments used by chiropractors for TMD include trigger point therapy and joint mobilizations.
It is important to note that chiropractic treatment for TMD is often most effective when combined with self-care measures, medication, and physical therapy. Chiropractors will work with patients to develop the most appropriate treatment plan.
Explore your treatment options for TMD At Rhythm of Life Chiropractic
It’s a myth that you have to live with TMD pain for the rest of your life. Our holistic chiropractic treatment uses various techniques, including specialized treatments like spinal manipulation and soft tissue therapy, to relieve symptoms and restore health.
Our chiropractor, Dr. Herbert in Franklin, Wisconsin, will walk you through all the phases of TMD chiropractic treatment. Contact us today!

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